Service to Mankind 
Derick Mason, Executive Director

  Sertoma Shop Inc. 
  222 S Memorial Dr.
  Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112

Providing jobs for the handicapped   
in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area         
since 1976.                       


The Sertoma S.H.O.P. is a 501c3 organization providing jobs for people with developmental disabilities in the Tulsa area since 1976.  Some of the shop's employees work at the main building at 222 S Memorial Drive.  Others work at the Thrift Shop Eastside Emporium at 1215 S Memorial Drive.  A team of clientele with wood skills work in our Cedar shim department, also located in Tulsa.  

 Tulsa area companies support the shop by hiring the shop clients to do routine jobs that they can accomplish with their limited skills.  These companies find that they can get the jobs done at a rate less than they would pay for full-time skilled labor with benefits.  They also have shown the community spirit by making and keeping jobs here in America instead of send the jobs overseas to countries not benefiting the United States.  

You may want to support the S.H.O.P. with a direct donation instead of directing jobs to be done here.  Press the DONATE button below if you would like to donate.  You can also send a check directly to the Sertoma Shop.